martedì 31 luglio 2007
He-Bitch tee-shirt. Ranking right up there with Viggo Mortensen in the late 80s wearing an I <3 [picture of a rooster] tee-shirt.
[..]it was at an X show at the Whiskey that the Viggo sighting occured. He'd come into the ladies room looking for (lucky!) Exene and made all the punk girls giddy at the sight of him. I became a Viggo fan that day (mostly 'cause of the I Heart Cock shirt).
with a strong sexual appetite for good-looking males.
Mr. Nicolayevsky, who moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s, he resides in Aaron Spelling’s former mansion, knew his way around, from Fire Island to Malibu, and West Hollywood apartment buildings. He is close to Calvin Klein and photographer Bruce Weber, who are providing Nicolayevsky with young male models, ever since the ‘80s. He was a landlord to struggling actors like Viggo Mortensen and Tom Cruise, who Yasha claimed to have worked out sexual arrangements to pay their rent for their apartments on Hayworth Av., West Hollywood, CA. To prove his claims, he showed Mark four sexually explicit Polaroids of himself having sex with Tom Cruise who was instantly identified by Mark Bellinghaus. They showed the world’s biggest star in his early Hollywood days, young and almost innocent.
lunedì 30 luglio 2007
"How do you see your work on Lord of the Rings? I think that the Hobbits are the emotional core of the movie. Even Aragorn isn't the heart of the movie; the Hobbits are.
Aragorn is more the arse of the movie. Really, really tight arse in his leather trousers.
You've looked, then? I can tell.
Yeah, I've slapped it. Slapped it hard. And I heard him squeal like a baby.
Legolas is obviously the hair of the movie.
Very beautiful hair. One thing about Orlando is that he smells of bubblegum. Always. He's bubblicious.
Is it some sort of pheromone that he gives off?
Yeah, he exudes bubblicious chewing gum."
One ring to obsess them all
Dom - "We had some fun early days, Elijah and I, checking out a lot of the artistic renderings of Viggo and Orlando making out with each other, or me and Billy making out with each other, or Elijah and Sean. I don't take it too seriously," Monaghan says, referring to the boatloads of erotic art inspired by the movies.
You could cause a blockage...
Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom has a worrying problem; he is unable to urinate if anyone is speaking to him.
His ‘Lord of the Rings’ co-star and ‘Lost’ actor Dominic Monaghan said of the lovely Bloom: “Orlando can’t pee if you’re talking to him.
“He stops and just can’t get going again. He has too really concentrate to have a wee wee. Isn’t that cute?”
Hmm, not really…but its not putting me off either.
Viggo Mortensen, who is starring in a Spanish film, walking down the hallway of the Intercontinental in a beautiful suit speaking another foreign language -- Danish? -- to his companions. This guy acts, paints, writes poetry, is best friends with his teenage son, is multilingual and looks like that? Sigh.
TIFF Fashion day
One of the sexiest men on the planet, Viggo sported a classic Hollywood look on the red carpet for the premiere of Alatriste, a Spanish film based on Arturo Perez-Reverte’s series of novels, The Adventures of Captain Alatriste. Wearing a crisp white mandarin collar shirt with a black button vest and midnight black suit, the star showed the boys how real men get dressed for big events.
Dear Ted: Please, oh, please tell me how many lattes or Red Bulls I have to ply you with in order to bribe the following information: "Wait till you hear what I've got to say about Orlando [Bloom]'s bathroom habits." Don't make me come and paddle your chicken-fried ass. Showering you with hugs and smoochies--you know I love you more than my luggage. Helen Troyerson Green Bay, Wisconsin Dear Helen: Your what? Better be Louis Vuitton. Hmmm. Let's see here. What with all the ferocious ass kissing, I'd have to at least give you a Bloomin' hint, right? Think beyond clean. Dear Ted: In your recent Orlando Bloom item, you wrote, "Hell hath no fury like a fan base shaved." Would that be a shaved mustache or beard? Just wondering. Tori Flower Dallas Dear Tori: I am too, doll-puss, now that you asked. What are you implying? |
Dear Ted:
I had to laugh when reading the retraction statement regarding Orlando Bloom: "Southern sources are electronically screaming at my chicken-fried ass that Mr. Bloom was 'very, very sweet' with the locals and not at all germ phobic."
Have you Googled Orlando lately? (Who doesn't want to Google Orlando?) There are hundreds of Internet sites and forums devoted to the man. Scores of women--yes, women, not just teenyboppers--all over the globe will come rushing to his defense should you besmirch his lovely name.
Elizabeth Turner
Portland, Oregon
Dear Googling Gal:
Wait till you hear what I've got to say about Orlando's bathroom habits. Hell hath no fury like a fan base shaved.
[.....] I won’t forget the day—March 6, 2003—when I had the chance of meeting Orlando Bloom up close and personal. It was an experience which drew me to a conclusive impression of the magic of his persona, the real Orlando Bloom. The event I attended was the launch party of “Blow Up,” which was held at the HQ Gallery on Hollywood and Schrader, featuring the unreleased photo exhibits of famous 1960s fashion model/actress Veruschka who was celebrating the party. Jason Statham, Matt Davies, Devon Odessa, Nichole Tom, Charles Ingram, Samaire Armstrong were among the celebrities who were already inside when I arrived. Later, Orlando came with then rumored girlfriend Kate Bosworth. I aimed my camera and took shots before they passed by me. After that, Orlando mingled with other guests while Kate separated from him and joined actress Marsha Thomason (who readily posed for me). A few minutes later, Orlando approached me and asked if he can talk to me at a corner. “I don’t mind how many times you take a picture of me, but can I please ask a big favor? Do you mind deleting the pictures you took of me and Kate? I’m just not ready to …!” I already said “sure” before he finished what he was saying, looking at his begging eyes. Who couldn’t resist his plea? Orlando was so nice the whole evening until I left the party—with a big smile! |
Oh, you thought we were done with the puerile penis set, didja? Hardly.
No, we still need to zero in on Grimy Gus and Harland Fuss (or as they're known to their most secretive of buds, Gussy 'n' Fussy). G. 'n' F. have been on location recently. Well, one of them has, at least. Don't think too many folks know that Fuss has joined his good bud Gus for a little mattress messin'.
But I do! (And now you vicarious folks do, too--how fab!)
Look, I'm the first to give a hearty shout-out to two guys who want to do what they want, sexually speaking. But when both--all right, make that one--of these men go to great lengths to make the public believe he's bedding down with rising supersweet starlet Eartha Bertha, well then, I get a little pissy.
Although it sure was romantic when Gus 'n' Fuss went to such a Secret Service-defying to-do while Gus was out of the States (in a film-friendly environment) making his latest butch-it-up celluloid job.
Public lobby and elevator trips at the sumptuous Springtime Suites hotel with Fuss 'n' Eartha were arranged. Photographers just happened to be around, sorta the same way Rock Hudson lived his whole fake life. But I'm getting terribly off the point here, aren't I?
Back to the boys: It really is a modern-day Romeo + Romeo + Juliet story, if ya think about it.
Only the gullible public's the one taking the poison.-
July 06, 2007
You were expecting Gussy 'n' Fussy, perhaps? Like, who cares about those ersatz het jokers anymore? (Not too many folks, I assure ya.)
December 04, 2008
"Dear Ted:
Loving your new column, even the yellow. This is a question about an old blind item that I don't expect you'll answer but I thought I'd give it a shot. Are Harland Fuss and Grimy Gus still together?
Dear Oldie:
No. Nor were they ever."
September 10, 2006
WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP) _ Actor Viggo Mortensen. A 2006 Toyota Prius. A three-day, 450-mile fundraising tour.
It was an unusual campaign last week for a North Country doctor in his run for Congress.
Mortensen, a Watertown native, joined Robert Johnson on the campaign swing across 11 counties to speak out against America's dependence on Middle Eastern oil.
"People are still going to need cars," said Mortensen, star of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. "It's not a question of making less cars, it's a question of making more fuel-efficient cars." ..
from Premiere Magazine May 2003
The Hero Returns
[...] Bloom tells a story that occurred when the Rings crew returned to New Zealand in the summer of 2002 for sound dubbing and pickups for The Two Towers. “I flew over just to visit Viggo,” says Bloom, who had heard that Mortensen was organizing a reunion dinner. He, Mortensen and Henry, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler (who plays Arwen), and members of the crew took a bus to the countryside. After dinner, Bloom and Henry went for a walk and noticed how beautifully the moon was shining on a nearby river.
“We ran back and said, ‘Everyone’s got to see this.’ ” Bloom recalls. “I was having a Viggo moment—running out, getting people to come and check out the moon.”
Some decided to wade into the stream, but Mortensen suggested the more perilous task of crossing the river.
“I’m like, ‘Fuck off,’ and he says, ‘Come on.’ So we’re barefoot, waist-high in water, walking on these little rocks to get to the other side and I’m doing it because I’m an idiot and I’m following his lead. Because he’s an idiot. And because he’s amazing,” Bloom laughs. “I can’t believe how much this is going to make me sound like I’m in love with the guy.”
Orlando Bloom - Sharpshooter
By Ian Nathan
[...] And even if Bloom was disappointed not to figure in the reshoots - he was too busy filming The Kelly Gang in Australia (with a beard, girls!) - he did manage to fly over for one last dinner party. "I went over anyway, like for a weekend, just to say, 'Hi'", he laughs. "Because I was like, 'This is bollocks, I feel out of it.' I met up with Viggo," he smiles. "And let me tell you, we had one mad night in New Zealand!"
June 19, 2003
Sex and the Single Whirl
Well, let's see. Don't think they do it in Hollywood like they do it in New Zealand.
You do know about that singles sport, doncha?
While those adorable Hobbit buds and Liv&Viggo&Miranda&Orlando and myriad mush-minded individuals were searching for love, strange things happened. Like waitress pinning.
Merde! Was I supposed to say waitstaff pinning? My apologies.
Anyhoo! One bugger whose name shall remain unmentioned by me (and whose friggin' lawyer can kiss my voicemail, as I'm not being overly specific), who was down N.Z. way while filming the second and third Lord of the Rings installments, surprised a few of his chums. By doing the above-mentioned food-server on a table. In the establishment for which she toiled. In every sense of the word.
But did she get a tip?
Closer to (I thought) tackier home, Tinseltown's swingers do it a tad more discreetly. Barely. Oh, to be free, unattached and on the make in La-La Land.
Pokes 'n' Jokes
Oh! One more sexually charged item before we trip on to the Eyes Fantastic, 'kay by you? Thought so.Those frisky Hobbit boys (men, creatures, byoots, what have you) wereonly too happy to discuss derrieres and other daring subjects, post-awards wins. Well, sorta glad.
"He's so far up Viggo Mortensen's ass, he couldn't even see it!" Sean Astin remarked about fellow Lord of the Rings winner Elijah Wood, when I asked the best buds to rate V.M.'s butt. And, yes, there was a reason.
Once you see the salty awards (way I like 'em), you'll notice a great deal of footage is devoted to buttage, particularly that of Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore. Hilarious stuff. Made quite a dent in the show's feel, so to speak.Could this to-the-gluteus-max atmosphere be the reason Billy Boyd saw fit to use the occasion to deny he's dated costar Dominic Monaghan?
Like I said, salty stuff.
But what we're all dying to know is what's really going on with that
cuddly guy group--Dominic, Billy and Sean--right? "Tell me,"
I ventured to Hobbit honcho E.W., "how does it feel to have the Fellowship
coming to an end, both onscreen and off?"
"It's sad," he replied with a melancholy smile. "It's been four years
in the making, and in the process of that journey, we created a family. I
haven't begun to really accept it. I think when it does hit me, I'll be
really sad."
More up front about their nooky-loving ways was Hob-in-waiting D.M.
"All right, let's get it out in the open," I said. "Why is everyone
convinced there's something going on with you guys?"
"Tell me more!" I pressed.
"I love those guys," 'fessed Dommy-boy. "I don't [have] any qualms about it. They're my brothers, and I don't have any problem showing affection for men. I'm aware of my own sexuality enough to be free with people.""Does you find it amusing that folks think you're queer?"
"Yes! What's wrong with being gay?" D.M. asked with a chuckle. "It's cool. If it keeps people talking, then it's all fine."Board of the Zings
Forget about Nicole, Julia and Tom. The ring ruling Hollywood these days is the tight cast of Lord of the Rings: Elijah, Viggo, Orlando...I mean, last week's Return of the King premiere was the equivalent of a Justin Timberlake concert, with frenzied, screaming fans and smitten, tear-streaked girls lining the red carpet at Westwood's Mann Village.
After scrawling autographs and delivering sound bites for the salivating press (helps polish the loafers, I find), Elijah and his Hobbit boys were hyped for some serious getting down. Sweating up the Middle-earth scene at the after-soiree (held on the tented grounds at the Wadsworth Theater), E. & Co. took over the deejay booth, mixing the tunes for the glitzed 'n' gyrating crowd well into the wee hours.
Much more mellow, hardly a surprise, were Orlando and Viggo, deep in mahn-ly chitchat much o' the night. Gossiping? Or solving the ills of Hollywood, ya think? Mind you, earlier in the evening, V.M. had a little to say on that matter when I asked him if there's an equivalent to the One Ring in Hollywood.
"Yes: awards," the totally do-able iconoclastic actor-artist responded simply. "They're not evil in themselves--and neither is the ring--but what they bring out in some people certainly can be. [People] become more interested in [awards] as opposed to working together."
You go, you barefooted bearer of the truth!
But is the Lord franchise itself immune to such evils? Turning to the granddaddy of the gang, Ian McKellen--who was totally resplendent in leathuh pants, with a chain tie under his velvet smoking jacket--I asked if this will be the year for the awaited Oscar nod.
"Well, I'm a member of the Academy," he responded with a cheeky wink. (He's a dirty middle-aged man. Takes one to know one.) "And I know who I'll be voting for!"
martedì 17 luglio 2007
The Stage
Probably the most telling compliment that can be made about this revival of David Storey’s witty, engaging social drama is that Hollywood star Orlando Bloom, dressed down in a dowdy brown shirt, tie and cardigan, merges into the background. Lez Brotherston’s wonderful set - essentially a terrace house with walls pulled down - invites the audience into the Shaw family’s house and has them settle down on the well-worn furniture to watch what happens when a family, many families, gets together for a social function like a 40th wedding anniversary. That Bloom is just another part of that family is testament to how complete is this theatrical experience and to Anna Mackmin’s energetic yet sensitive direction Casting more than plays its part.
While Paul Hilton as the deeply damaged Andrew wears his anger and bitterness on his sleeve, as youngest brother Stephen, Bloom's is an internalised performance and all the more impressive for that
Tracy enthusiastic in show of appreciation for Orlando's stage success
Review Round-up: Does Orlando Bloom on Stage?
“ In making his stage debut as the youngest of three brothers returning home to Yorkshire for their parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary, Orlando Bloom exhibits a faultless modesty. His character Steven, a discouraged teacher, stuttering novelist and father of four, is a silent, moody introvert. He says very little and rarely commands the stage. He succumbs to a little light weeping, but does that in the safety of the darkness…"
Critics welcome Bloom stage debut
Don't be misled by the title that In Celebration is light-hearted. It is a gloomy northern coalmines affair with a pulverisingly slow, first half.
Good cast here. Tim Healy, familiar from TV's Auf Wiedersehen Pet and Coronation Street... could speak more clearly, but he embodies the dignity and toughness of the north-eastern miner.
Movie pin-up Orlando Bloom shows fine sensitivity with this part.
Daily Mail
The Guardian Unlimited
The revival of David Storey's 1969 drama exactly doubles the number of straight plays by living British dramatists in the West End. Even then, one assumes it owes its life largely to Orlando Bloom's theatrical debut.
But Storey's tough and sturdy play stands the test of time, and Bloom should guarantee it a young audience.
Three sons travel up to a Yorkshire mining town to celebrate their parents' 40th wedding anniversary, and reveal their degrees of disfigurement.
Through Steven, Storey nails the traumatised rootlessness that comes from feeling one's life has no significance. Bloom lends Steven exactly the right sense of haunted taciturnity and withdrawn moodiness.
The Times Online
Anna Mackmin’s revival of his second play, with the fashionable Orlando Bloom taking the role created by Brian Cox 40 years ago, gives a less literal answer to that question: Storey’s work isn’t just alive but has a kick capable of separating today’s audiences from their emotional teeth. Bloom is Steven Shaw, one of three sons returning from the comfy, middle-class South to celebrate his parents’ ruby wedding in the Yorkshire village where his father works as a coalminer. Superficially it’s an unrewarding part, because he spends most of the time looking wan and saying little but that he’s “fine”, but an important one.
Early morning with Orlando Bloom
Bloom may be more famed for playing to the cameras as Caribbean Pirate and Tolkien Elf.But on the Duke of York's stage he controls all the dark corners of the miner's house when the educated sons return to show what their parents really lived and hoped and sacrificed themselves for.
The Guardian critic, Michael Billington, liked it too. No mention - only other memories for me - of the notorious time when David Storey punched him for pronouncing one of his plays 'a stinker'.

[....]He also lived his own free-spirited life after graduating from college. Living in Denmark, where his father was born, Mortensen sold flowers on the street and lived an idyllic, tax-free existence before returning to the United States to become an actor. “I was selling roses on the street,” he said. “I loved interacting with people, which I’m usually not that good at. I would also get to the farmers market in Copenhagen at dawn and buy sweet peas for wholesale. Then I would sell those as well. It was a great way to live." (VM Interview Cleveland Plain Dealer - April 1, 1999 )
lunedì 16 luglio 2007
"Before Billy came out, there was a fan video about Aragorn and Arwen. Billy cane out and said he was distracted by Viggo kissing, and that Viggo had kissed him with more passion than he did Liv!"
January 16, 2007 -- LOS Angeles was one big party town on the eve of the Golden Globes. Orlando Bloom was a very happy birthday boy as he celebrated his big 3-0 at Teddy's Saturday night, because he had Penelope Cruz by his side.
"She was never further than arm's length from Orlando," a witness told Page Six, even when other women surrounded him on the dance floor.
Leonardo DiCaprio went in the other direction and came without his girlfriend, Israeli model Bar Refaeli. DiCaprio showed up with his "Blood Diamond" co-star, Djimon Hounsou, and "danced until the lights went on."
Bloom's party gathered so many rowdy revelers - including Andy Garcia, Leelee Sobieski, Viggo Mortensen, Samantha Ronson, Vincent Gallo and James Franco - it spilled into the Roosevelt Hotel lobby.
Speaking of hell-raisin' hotties, Orlando Bloom was spotted Friday night having dinner at Falcon with some dudes. Lots of pretty boys. (Hey, if surrounding oneself with every succulent specimen known to boykind was the plan, wonder why hunky O. didn't decide to hit Falcon on Tuesday, when it becomes, like, a total homo hot spot--guess we'll have to go to sleep wondering 'bout that conundrum, huh?)
Totally straight man Bloom's on-off-on-who-cares g-f, Kate Bosworth, wasn't with Orlando at the burnin' Sunset Strip spot, which is a shame, because Ms. Skin 'n' Jawline looks like she could totally use a good meal.
Ted : "All right, let's get it out in the open," I said. "Why is everyone convinced there's something going on with you guys?"
DM :"I think it's because we're all young, good-looking guys," he said without a hint of Tom Hanks' modesty. "We're kind of cheeky, and we're very physically tactile with one other," he gushed proudly.
"Tell me more!" I pressed.
"I love those guys," 'fessed Dommy-boy. "I don't [have] any qualms about it. They're my brothers, and I don't have any problem showing affection for men. I'm aware of my own sexuality enough to be free with people."
"Does you find it amusing that folks think you're queer?"
"Yes! What's wrong with being gay?" D.M. asked with a chuckle. "It's cool. If it keeps people talking, then it's all fine."
I had to laugh when reading the retraction statement regarding Orlando Bloom: "Southern sources are electronically screaming at my chicken-fried ass that Mr. Bloom was 'very, very sweet' with the locals and not at all germ phobic."
Have you Googled Orlando lately? (Who doesn't want to Google Orlando?) There are hundreds of Internet sites and forums devoted to the man. Scores of women--yes, women, not just teenyboppers--all over the globe will come rushing to his defense should you besmirch his lovely name.
Elizabeth Turner
Portland, Oregon
Dear Googling Gal:
Wait till you hear what I've got to say about Orlando's bathroom habits. Hell hath no fury like a fan base shaved.
5. Unisexual Charmers George Clooney & Hugh Jackman:
Gawd. Clooney just makes me nervous. And Hugh can give me private Boy from Oz performances anytime. I mean, think about it: Viggo & Orlando and all those obvious huggers and muggers should only hope to be so cool, so crisp, so collected. It's George and Hugh who win, ultimately, in the machismo mystery game. I'm afraid it's more of a money sport for...
• I'm told by folks who hung with K&O during their press-release affair that Mr. Bloom is now entranced by another, who's even more athletic than bitchin' Ms. Bosworth. And considering Kate's one of those original California she-woman chicks--before she decided to starve herself into non-physical-functionality--perhaps that's saying somethin', maybe not.
Blind Item
Another Hollywood bustup. Boo-freakin'-hoo. Excuse me if I'm not exactly cryin' into my hanky. In this town, where relationships last about as long as lunchtime Botox sessions, peeps who manage to stay together are the real newsworthy ones, don't you all think? Anyhow, I never really thought Pete Poked and Charmaine Chuck-Up were such hot 'n' heavy lovebirds in the first place.
I mean, you can't place your Prius in a spot that's already taken, can you? 'Course not! Kinda like how Char-love couldn't possibly be the stylish ride of choice for Petey's daredevil desires, 'cause he's already had a serious shotgun boyfriend for quite sometime. Yes, that's right: Just like Toothy and so many of the friggin' rest of 'em, P2 likes the boys, not the girls--no matter how thin or pretty or pouty they may be.
I'm told this par-tick tight boyish twosome enjoys sportin' weekend jaunts to the mountains, where they can hit the slopes and canoodle by candlelight far, far away from those pesky papa-Nazis. Wonder if Charmaine recently found out about these little snowy va-cays and went berserk, hence their recent bustup?
Or maybe she knew about them all along and is just dumping him now that her face has become so gaunt, she can't even fake the fake no more? Note to snitty types: Eat! Or your emoting capabilities nosedive, as it were.
Will Young: "I'm in love with Orlando."
Homosexual British pop star WILL YOUNG has confessed to being "in love" with Hollywood star ORLANDO BLOOM. The singer has a huge crush on the THE LORD OF THE RINGS star and uses his passion for Bloom as inspiration for most of his love songs. Young says, "Unrequited love's wonderful. You can just sit there and wallow in it and write about it. "I have huge unrequited love for Orlando Bloom. I did actually see him in a pub once and I couldn't finish my food; it was so embarrassing."
Hundreds of women eager for a snap and a touch of the hunk waited for Orlando after he performed ‘In Celebration’ at the Duke of York’s Theatre in London.
After bumping into each other yesterday, Liv Tyler made an effort to see her ‘Lord of the Rings’ co-star on stage.
But the soul of the film and Rudnick's mouthpiece is Roger, marvelously played by Roger Bart. He's half a gay couple - the "wife" half, and in danger of being turned by his partner into a gay Republican. Bart is so flamboyant and in love with the campiness of Stepford, you fear his conversion more than anything else in The Stepford Wives - and when Kidman finds Roger's framed Orlando Bloom photo and Viggo Mortensen T-shirt in the trash, you shiver.
I saw Stepford Wives last night and in it there is a very funny reference to LOTR hunks Orlando Bloom & Viggo Mortensen . It's a scene where Nicole Kidman & Bette Midler are going through the trash of a gay "wife" who's been changed into a robot and has thrown out things reflecting his real self. So along with his designer clothes, the garbage can contains a photo of Orlando and a t-shirt with Viggo's face on it.
Bloom to make London stage debut
'Pirates' star to headline 'Contractor'
LONDON — Orlando Bloom will make his West End debut in veteran Brit playwright David Storey's 1969 drama "The Contractor." The play, a Chekhovian-style ensemble drama about three brothers returning home for their parents' 40th wedding anniversary, will be directed by Anna Mackmin and produced by Sonia Friedman.
Dates and theater are still subject to confirmation but the most likely venue is the 380-seat Trafalgar Studios for a July opening. No further casting has yet been confirmed.
Bloom has been eyeing legit projects for some time. He is keen to be part of an stage ensemble having worked exclusively on screen since being cast in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy almost immediately on leaving London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1999.
Blunt In Car Accident Prior To Oscars
The "You're Beautiful" singer was leaving an A-list, pre Oscar bash in Hollywood when he was involved in a road accident.
Officer Norma Eisenman told PEOPLE, "All I can do is confirm that James Blunt was involved in a traffic accident in which a man's foot was run over."
Blunt and his girlfriend, Petra Nemcova, were leaving the home of Hollywood agent Bryan Lourd when the foot of an unidentified man was run over.
Prior to the February 24 crash, Blunt was celebrating his 32nd birthday in L.A. With most A-list stars out and about for Oscar week, the Brit was able to rub shoulders with who's who of Hollywood while celebrating.
While partying at the Soho House, Blunt was in good company as Oscar hopefuls Penelope Cruz - and rumored boyfriend Orlando Bloom - spent a night out alongside Helen Mirren, Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou.
Big Shot Report Card: Bloom to the Rescue!
When it comes to celebrities, I don't care who they are wearing. Sorry. I also don't care for that phrase. What I do care about, though is their manners, their skills.
We already did Boston Accent Report Cards, but why stop there. These big shots need to know how they're doing, on the Red Carpet, out at parties, anywhere they're mingling among the common people. Hollywood can be an ugly place. But you know what? It can also be a beautiful display of human kindness.
Shoot. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Time to start, clearly.
Orlando Bloom: A
Twelve-year-old girls who swoon for the Pirates of the Caribbean hunk have pretty good instincts. At a recent pre-Oscar blowout, Orlando had the perfect opportunity to be a jerk.
He and a bunch of his friends were dancing on chairs. It was obvious that someone was gonna get thrown into the melee. A friend of mine was on the verge of being tossed in (and probably on his ass) when Orlando went all party martyr and tossed himself to the mob.
After recovering from the crowd semisurf, he worked the party and invited a bunch of girls to join him at Teddy's. Sleazy, you might think, but so not. See, a nice guy makes those invitations himself. The creepy dudes send bouncers around to do their plucking for them.
Now, if only Orlando could add Can-Carry-a-Big-Film-All-by-Himself to his repertoire, he'd be just about perfect.
Orlando's dive from the drums gets 10s all round
We've never seen a band so keen to play a gig. Leaping on the stage desperate to drop their new carpet bombing tirade of tracks on an unsuspecting crowd, The Maccabees rip through 'First Love', 'Latchmere' and 'Precious Time'. These tracks from the highly-anticipated debut perfectly soundtrack the crowdsurfing frenzy below, but it's Orlando Bloom climbing onto the drum kit and bouncing off the cymbals like a pill-popping Zebedee that makes the night.
Q: Challenges and easiest things in movies?
The biggest challenge I think for me was the scale issue, working with the small people, and when you had to work with people who were actually not the actors. And working with ping-pong balls on sticks. When we did a re-shoot with Legolas giving Aragorn the Evenstar back, that was to a ping-pong ball because they weren't there. But someone told me that was their favorite shot.
You’re not the only musician from the Lord Of The Rings cast. How many of you play instruments?
Well, Viggo plays, and when my band were out in LA playing gigs Viggo and Orlando came along and I think Viggo really liked it. We may produce something together. Umm, Elijah plays a bit, Dom plays a bit… I mean, we have all jammed a few times, but nothing too serious.
You should all do a Christmas single — it’ll go straight to number 1.
Yeah! (Laughs) ‘Follow The Fellowship’.
When did you last see any of the Rings guys?
I was over in the States in April and saw quite a few of them. I saw Viggo, Orlando, Dom, Elijah, spoke to Sean but never saw him… I saw Orlando a couple of weeks ago down here, because I was down doing a radio play and he’s down rehearsing his play. Bernard Hill is with me in Save Angel Hope. You don’t get to see Bernard do much comedy but he’s playing a comedy police chief in this one and is great.
Are you still planning on writing a film with Dominic Monaghan?
Yes. It’s just that we made the mistake of telling people about it before we’d done it. It’s so hard to get a film made even when people want to make it — the months just go on and you say. ‘Okay, we need a meeting’ and you know, Dom will be in Lost and I’ll be in a film and the first time you can get a meeting is like ... August and that’s a meeting about setting up a meeting, and it all just trundles on and on. (At this point Boyd drops a huge Lost spoiler that we won’t repeat)
Just to wrap up, a lot of rubbish gets put on the internet, so we thought we’d read a few Billy Boyd rumours to you. Please confirm if they’re true or false…
And finally, the cast of Lord Of The Rings had group showers together.
(long guilty pause) Semi-true. When we were learning how to canoe, me, Dom, Sean Bean, Elijah, Sean, Viggo, Orlando and John Rhys-Davis all went together down the river. After the canoeing sessions, the four Hobbits and Orlando did have showers together.
You heard it hear first, it’s confirmed
And before you ask I am the biggest.
(Laughs) Do you want me to put that up on the internet for you?
Viggo & Orlando At Beecake (Billy Boyds' band) gig
"After the gig we realised that the guy that had been standing behind us the whole night heckling the band was none other than Viggo Mortensen. Though I'm not exactly sure why he wanted Billy to get his Cock out, because as Billy said a) he didn't have a chicken and b)?Cock Fighting is illegal in California. As we were marvelling over the fact that Viggo was there who should come through the crowd looking for Billy but Orlando Bloom.? Word also has it that Dom was in the carpark later which could possibly be correct because the boys from World Without Sundays were loitering around outside when we left. And we both got a thank you from TBC himself when we were stand in photographers for the girls we are almost sure are the girls from Myspace Beecake JP. Incidentally we think Beecake has broken Myspace tonight." source
"After the concert we caught sight of Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom in the audience - a couple of Japanese girls asked Orli for a photograph, so he said "All right, but only one," and they both turned and gave their cameras to us, so we took the shots and Orli thanked us. So I can honestly say that I took Orli's photo even though I don't have the evidence" source
"However, it turned out to be very worth it. As the last band started to play (Beecake, whose lead singer is Billy Boyd who was Pippin in the LotR movies), Alex and Rebecca has moved forward while our friend Dusty and I hung back to lean on the wall. Suddenly, Rebecca rushed over and said in hushed tones, "Orlando Bloom is here!!!" Dusty and I craned our necks, along with about 10 other people in the audience and started debating whether or not it was really him. The club was really dark, and all we could really make out was tousled hair. However, it did turn out to be him! Rebecca downed a beer and mustered up her nerve to go and speak to him, and ended up getting a picture!
After the show, we actually spotted someone who looked very much like Viggo Mortenson darting into the VIP room - so basically we saw two of the rarest LotR stars in one night, while watching a third perform! It made me realize that if I lived in LA, I'd probably spend all of my time looking for celebrities - last time I was here I happened to be on the rental bus with Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe, which was pretty random. It wouldn't be long before I was seeing celebrities around every corner! :)"
"Billy said that they'd been in LA for a month or so, that the hecklers last night were his friends, and that Viggo attacked him in the bathroom at the club -- at first he didn't know who it was and thought he was being kidnapped for a moment." - "Before Billy came out, there was a fan video about Aragorn and Arwen. Billy cane out and said he was distracted by Viggo kissing, and that Viggo had kissed him with more passion than he did Liv!" source
The stars who rock Middle Earth
Viggo ON ORLANDO: Not only is he very striking and very handsome and all of that, you actually thought, 'Oh, this is an Elf and how an elf sees and how an elf moves'. That was a lot of hard work.
It wasn't that they just found some guy running around acting like an Elf. 'Oh, lets put him in a movie'.
They took a chance on that and he did all the work and deserves a lot of credit for it.
Orlando ON VIGGO: Love him. He was a bit of a mentor for me. It was funny, when went back for re-shoots, I was on my own and he wasn't there, and I suddenly was sitting in the makeup bus that we'dbeen driving around in for the 18 months in New Zealand and I got really emotional and felt that it was kind of weird to be there without him there and sort of reflected on all of the happy conversations and chats and glasses of wine and talks that we would have at the end of the day or whatever. He really had a huge impact on my life as an actor.
The Fellowship Lives On with The Return of the King
If society can coin the phrase "chick flick" for female-themed movies, then can The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King be described as a "dick flick?" After all, it does promote brotherhood and the strength of the male bond through adversity.
“There are a fair bit of fans who see the relationship as a homosexual relationship,” Elijah Wood says about the close proximity of his character, Frodo, and fellow hobbit Sam, played by Sean Astin. “It wasn’t really how I or Sean saw it. I think it is a very loving, caring close relationship, which happens to be between two men. I think it still is up for interpretation.”
What can’t be debated is that this film, the last of Peter Jackson’s LOTR uber-epic, is the rare finale of a trilogy that not only trumps the previous films, but makes them more delicious in its completion. The anxious thrust of The Return Of The King is that Frodo and Sam (Wood and Astin) are near, as Gandalf says, “The great battle of our time,” while Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) must deal with inner-demons for a change and do what Simba was required to do in another far away kingdom – “remember who you are” and take his regal place in the circle of death.
The onscreen fellowship echoes the one behind the Kookaburra tree. Mortensen and Orlando Bloom spent much of their off-time on a green bus they named the “C-Bago.” According to Mortensen, “It was a crazy small bus” that he decorated wall-to-wall with his behind-the-scenes photos of the set. For Christmas, they had a tree made out of tampons. The C-Bago became a frat house, where much drinking and partying ensued – the bus even had its own wine cellar. The motto? “Everyone is welcome, but when it’s time to go, GET OUT.”
“The actors had a spiritual connection to it,” director Jackson says of the bus. “I liked the way they had photographs that [Mortensen and Bloom] had taken behind the scenes, plastered all over the walls.”
“Ahh yes, the bus. It was mine, all mine. It was my precious,” Bloom says, sifting LOTR character Gollum through an Australian drawl.
Bloom, a “sex symbol” according to Mortensen, christened the bus the "C-word" when the makeup artist was fuming about someone and asked Bloom’s advice.
“You should kick him the c--t and tell him to f--k off!” Bloom said. “Viggo just lost it for half an hour. He kept saying, ‘What did you say?’ [The bus] became all about “the word.” We took that word and took all of its power away. We made it the most loving word in the world. If you were a true c--t, you were the most amazing person in the world.”
As LOTR can be read as a possible metaphor of acceptance, the C-Bago accepted everyone – no matter what sex or sexual persuasion.
“Did they call it the party bus? More like the ‘farty bus!’” Sir Ian McKellen, who plays Gandalf in the film, quips.
“I can’t believe he [Mortensen] talked about that. That was our private world,” muses co-star Liv Tyler, who continued,“There was a lot of liquor on that bus. But the funniest thing about this bus is that this thing was a beast. It was so tiny; nothing worked. If they ever washed our hair it would go from scalding hot to freezing cold. There was no heat.”
While talking about the Bago, the “end-of-an-era” nostalgia that creeps into the last day of high school grips the cast. The Return Of The King is senior year for these performers, who will now graduate and go in their separate directions. Some will become sex objects (Bloom), some will become poets and have exhibitions (Mortensen) and some will reunite with their families (Astin). But when they have their 20-year reunion (20th Anniversary re-release) you know stories of “The Bus” will be fondly swapped.
“It was a very free-spirited bus,” Bloom reflects. “It came about because me and Viggo kept being moved around, and we ended up on this bus one day. And the actors were fed up and we said, ‘This is it. This our home and we are not moving. If they come, tell them to go away.’”
The fellowship is complete.
Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom - Sex symbols generate huge following
NEW YORK- A woman in Toronto wants to marry Viggo Mortensen.
Actually, there are women all over the world who want to do this.
But the Toronto woman has an edge. She knows a journalist who will be interviewing the studly Lord Of The Rings actor. She asks - commands - the scribe to pass along the message that she's available anytime, anywhere, anyhow. All Viggo has to do is nod, or simply wink.
"Tell her I'm too busy doing press to marry her," Mortensen says, when the proposal is duly passed on.
He smiles. He's heard this kind of pitch many times. Like his heroic character Aragorn in Peter Jackson's Rings trilogy, he has a job to do and he's not yielding to distractions of any kind.
"It's flattering to hear that someone's interested in you, but at the same time if it weren't for the success of The Lord Of The Rings then that would not be the case. These things (marriage proposals) are results, just like box office results or prizes or other attention. These things are beyond what we did and what I'm talking to you about."
Mortensen is being humble, not to mention a tad too serious. Women were attracted to his laser-blue eyes and chiselled chin long before The Lord Of The Rings. The 45-year-old bachelor, married once previously (he has a teenaged son), has been drawing sighs from the audience since his first screen appearance in Witness. That was 18 years ago, when he played an Amish farmer opposite Harrison Ford.
There have been many roles since then, and many women for Mortensen. His resume includes A Perfect Murder (1998) and A Walk On The Moon (1999), movies where he made love to Gwyneth Paltrow and Diane Lane. In A Perfect Murder, he even painted the large canvasses his artist character used to help woo Paltrow from her husband, played by Michael Douglas.
Mortensen is used to having wet kisses blown in his direction, but his sex appeal has certainly risen since he assumed the mantle of Aragorn, the fearless warrior whose role becomes all the greater in The Return Of The King, the final chapter of the Rings trilogy, opening Wednesday.
Not that he appears to take any notice of the attention, or to seek it. His hair is shorter and neater than the shoulder-length locks of Aragorn, and he's certainly better bathed - scruffy Aragorn obviously puts saving Middle-earth ahead of personal hygiene. Mortensen is every bit as enigmatic as his screen hero, however.
His blue sweatshirt has indecipherable red script on it - perhaps fan mail from an elf? He sips tea with a metal straw out of a metal urn that looks as though it were fashioned by Lord Sauron himself.
Mortensen considers himself fortunate to have been chosen for Aragorn, the role of a lifetime. The casting was a last-minute thing. The job was originally given to Irish actor Stuart Townsend, but four days after filming began in the summer of 1999, director Jackson decided that Townsend, then 27, was too young.
"I have been very lucky," Mortensen says. "Once given this role I did my best with it and there was a lot that I found that I could connect to and build on and hopefully to Peter Jackson and the storytelling. But getting the role itself was one of those things that come your way. I'm not exactly sure why ... if they'd had another month to think about it, they would have probably chosen someone else ...
"But I don't assume that it was meant to be - that I was meant to get a lot of attention or have people say, `Do you want to marry me?' It's just one of those things and I just take it as it goes."
Mortensen's humility isn't forced or faked. He's been exactly this same way in interviews about other movies. He was born in New York, yet he doesn't seem or sound like an American. His father is Danish, and Mortensen seems Danish himself, even though he doesn't speak the language.
His Rings co-star Miranda Otto says she can't imagine anyone else playing Aragorn.
"I always said that Viggo was the Renaissance man. He is sort of like a man from another age in some way. He still has so many things that men of other times were skilled at. He is skilled with horses; he's skilled with swords, a skilled writer, painter and musician. He is just a creative force ... and a very gentle human being with a good sense of humour. He has a certain sort of stillness or mystery for people. They can't grasp every part of him because he is so multifaceted."
Other Rings colleagues say similar things about Mortensen, and he returns the affection in his own quiet way. He's brought with him to New York elegantly bound copies of photos he took on set. He's distributing them one-by-one to his co-stars, as he meets them on the interview rounds.
He's such a deep individual - not to be confused with devious - it's almost impossible to get a simple answer out of him. All of his responses to questions are extremely thoughtful and delivered at great length.
He seems to enter a trance state when a question is posed. There are no sound bites for this boy.
He takes so long to answer a query, you're tempted to grab him by the shoulders, shake him gently and say, "Dude! It's only a movie about elves and hobbits!" And don't get him started on politics. He's against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but his reasons are so complex and qualified, he seems to think The Economist is interviewing him, not quote-hungry movie hacks.
Yet there's no doubting the man's sincerity. He insists acting is no more important in his life than any of his other pursuits, and he strives to keep everything in balance. No wonder so many women want to marry him.
"If we were talking about paintings I had made or you were talking about my son, or if we were talking about a garden I had planted or photographs I had made or poems, I would speak to you, hopefully, in as focused a way as that," he says.
"(Acting) isn't the biggest thing there is. I wouldn't say there is one thing and I don't really make a difference between those things. It sounds silly, but if you come over to my house and I'm going to make you dinner, I'm going to just focus on that and I'm going to try to do a good job with it because I'm interested in it. It's only a pain in the ass if you really don't want to do something. Then it's like a chore."
Like many of the people who worked on The Lord Of The Rings, Mortensen has been profoundly affected by the titanic struggle of good against evil, first written by author J.R.R. Tolkien during the darkest days of World War II. Mortensen sees many parallels between contemporary nations and politicians with the places and players of Middle-earth.
He thinks the message of the movies, as with the books before them, will live long beyond the final frame of The Return Of The King. He has an interpretation of the trilogy that reveals how deeply he's thought about it.
"I don't think there is an absolute evil in the story, and I don't think it has a specific resonance - I don't think it's Mordor, Sauron or the ring. It resides in anyone who wants to force people to do things against their own will.
"I think that's something that people always have to work at. What are my real motivations, how do I deal with my family or my friends or my society? That is something that will never go away. In fact, we have to be vigilant and if you're going to look for bad things or evil, you should first look inside. How am I treating people around me? You can have someone in a restaurant talking about history and freedom and `We must do something about the economy or something about people and justice,' yet they treat the waiter like shit.
"Wait a minute, it's right where you are."
Mortensen's quiet dedication and unaffecting ways really impressed Orlando Bloom, the other Lord Of The Rings heartthrob.
"I had an incredible time working with Viggo," Bloom says. "I worked very closely with him and he was like a mentor to me, really, chatting, talking about film and just about the day-to-day stuff of getting through making this film. He really influenced the way I approach the work today. He has a lot of integrity in terms of how he approaches it, but he can also have fun with it as well, so it was cool. He taught me a lot."
Bloom is just getting used to the idea of being adored by his own ardent admirers. A group of fixated femmes called Little Legolas Lovers have set up a Web shrine devoted to Legolas, the ace archer Bloom plays in the Tolkien trilogy. The site describes him as a "superhunk" and reveals he enjoys Irish folk music and long walks on the beach.
Two years ago, before the three-Rings circus began, few of these women would have known the British-born Bloom, 26. His previous acting experiences received scant notice. It included playing the sexually available character Rentboy in the little-seen biopic Wilde in 1997.
Now Bloom is a star not only in Middle-earth, but also on the high seas. He played opposite Johnny Depp in this past summer's surprise hit, Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl.
"It's a little bit intimidating," he says, sitting for his own interview.
He laughs when it's suggested that he and Mortensen are competing for the title of most popular hunk in The Lord Of The Rings.
"Well, I don't think I can compete with Viggo ... certainly, I'm (popular) with the six-year-olds and below. He's got the rest covered."
But Bloom has had to make some adjustments. He's had a few weird personal encounters in the past couple of years.
"There's the odd occasion where you get caught, where you were just doing something and somebody will freak out a little bit ...
"I'm getting more easy with it. Because I realized that ... I sort of rationalize it for myself so it's not such a big deal, 'cause it really isn't. I mean, after Pirates came out it was more intense than anything, really."
It must have been really intense, because his hair is still Pirates long (he plays with it while he talks) and he's wearing more gold and silver jewellery than Bluebeard. All that bling-bling ("They're my good luck charms") looks rather incongruous atop the tracksuit he's also wearing. It's quite unlike the blond Robin Hood figure of Legolas.
Bloom takes inspiration on how to handle his rising fame from - of all people - the psychotic Travis Bickle, played by Robert De Niro in Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver.
"I understand it, because I used to watch Taxi Driver and see Travis Bickle. I'd go, `Wow, see that character?' ... You sit in a movie cinema and you sort of transcend, don't you? You sort of project yourself into a character. You have this idea of who these characters are, but they're not really human. It's just an actor playing a role and so I can understand how that felt, I remember how that felt."
He also received some advice from his Pirates co-star Depp, who has been up and down in the popularity polls. Depp is currently way up, having been recently declared by People magazine to be the Sexiest Man Alive.
"Johnny said to just enjoy it," Bloom says.
"This is a great job and we all really enjoy doing it. It's not open-heart surgery. Enjoy the whole process. You keep certain things private, don't you? There are things in your life where there is a line ... this I'm prepared to talk about. And anyway, the truth is that I understand people wanting know about your private life in some way, because they want to feel like they are getting closer to you."
One of the things he keeps private about is his love life. He's vague when names are mentioned of women he's been linked to.
"The truth is that you have areas where you don't want to go that route. At least you're not fuelling the fire. You're going to get a few bullets, a few snaps taken here and there. You can't avoid it, but you can avoid fuelling the fire. Look at that couple that nearly got married and didn't."
(He's referring to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, and yes, it's a good thing not to be like them.)
"At the end of the day, the fans that I have are really nice - at least up to date, they have been really nice. I don't have a role where I'm playing a serial killer or an axe murderer and so for the most part the fan mail I get it really friendly and they are wishing me well, really - `Keep up the good work!' and kind of thing."
Bloom says he responds to most of his letter mail, but not to e-mail. Just like Legolas, he's a low-tech guy.
"I don't do email. It's the one thing I haven't gotten into. I don't have my own account."
There's no need for him to enter the 21st century just yet. His next big movie keeps him well into the past once again: In next summer's big-budget movie, Troy, he has the key role of Paris, who starts a war with Greece after he woos Helen of Sparta away from her husband. He'll be starring opposite Brad Pitt, who plays avenging Greek hero Achilles.
"Paris is an anti-hero," Bloom says. "For me, it was like playing a character whose actions fundamentally are wrong - he goes against all the ideas of manhood and the male energy of the time. He's a lover, not a fighter. He falls in love with a woman and creates a war because of it, because of his lust for this woman. It's like the indiscretion of youth.
"So the challenge for me there was to try to find a way to make the character still likeable in some way. To humanize him, you know what I mean? It doesn't happen ever f--king day. Imagine if we were at war right now because Bush stole bin Laden's missus. It's a story, it's the story of stories, but it does deal with jealousy, with love, with anger, with greed, with power - it's all those basic instincts that we as human all have."
There's a big difference between Legolas and Paris.
"Legolas is a Zen, action-speaks-louder-than-words guy. He's an Elf and an awesome warrior. And Paris is like a dysfunctional little prince.
"He's romantic and dashing and handsome and sort of swans to the ladies and does the whole thing. He doesn't really think about the consequences of his actions."
No matter how tough things get in the fame game, Bloom always has other guys around whom he can look to for good counsel.
"One of the things I feel most lucky about, most fortunate for, is to have had the opportunity to work with Viggo and to have worked with Johnny. I've seen first hand how they go about what they do, and they are very gracious. They have their moments, like everybody else, but they're very gracious. They've learned to be more as ease with themselves and with their fame and with their status as actors and as movie stars.
"For a young actor, that's an education and a half right there ... And it's cool to see how they handle the pressure."
Pressure like being asked to prove he's as good an archer as Legolas? (He's not, incidentally.)
Next time he's in a pub, he's sure to be challenged to a game of darts by some punter.
"I haven't had that experience yet, either," Bloom chuckles.
"No doubt I will."
20 December 2000
About this time, Orlando signals me over and shows me something AWESOME.
Sunday afternoon…. The actors that play Gandalf, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn and Legolas… set out with an Elvish design created specifically for them by ALAN LEE and had it tattooed on them. There is one stat of this design left. Orlando Bloom has been charged with returning and finding Sean Bean… Boromir… and having him tattooed as well with it. For all time, the Nine actors that played the Nine that set out… They are joined by a tattoo that only they carry.
When I saw the design, I will not break the trust and reveal what it is… but folks… After I saw it, I went to an area and just teared up. That is how much these folks believe in what they have done. When I asked if Sean was going to get his, Viggo and Orlando shared a look… a smile…. And yes.
This year and a half they’ve spent in these characters… they feel attached for all time now. There is a brotherhood between them… a sense of purpose. Can you imagine? I mean… They care enough to get tattooed forever with a shared marking.
LOTR cast and crew ball. from TORN
[....] There was Orlando Bloom decked out in a white suit, dark eye makeup and his now trademark mohawk, getting down with his bad self alongside an incongrouosly short Darth Vader and a dancing ape enjoying his champagne through a straw. Presently there came sailing through the crowd of the now much amused production crew the green sequined head of a large bug-eyed creature which later revealed itself to be attached to Dominic Monaghan who could easily have gone home with the best mask award if only there had been one.
But as most of you will know the person everyone wanted to meet was Elijah Wood, and it was easy to pick where in the crowd he was as crowds of young women formed and reformed wherever he went. And it was not hard to see why as he introduced himself to a young lady across the room by bowing and kissing her hand, needless to say she was suitably impressed by his gentlemanly manner. As the night wore on the rather unhelpfull waiters continued to refill my glass with wine whenever it even looked like getting close to half empty and somehow I ended up dancing the night away with the likes of Alan Lee and Viggo Mortenson dressed as Zorro. [...]