The Eastern Eyes Have It
Kate Bosworth, arriving with her ferocious Wall Street femme friends for a dinner out with yummy honey Orlando Bloom and the rest of the Lord of the Rings gang. Serafina, 61st and Madison Avenue. Superskinny in jeans and a black sweater, the posh cutie-tamootie chatted away with the girls in the women's restroom line, while her Pirates of the Caribbean b-f...
O.B. was gabbing with his poppin' boy-pals and sorta ignoring his sex-ay g-f (just for a second, I'm sure). But who cares, really, since O. was looking totally lickable in denim pants and a long black cashmere coat, with some seriously bushy hair? The Boz didn't seem to sweat the mini-snub, since the Pirate Man left with K. at his side after dinner. Saliva-switch! Let's turn our attention to Bloom's Hobbit-hopping bud...
Elijah Wood, who was sporting a pseudo-weird Mohawk and his usual deer-in-the-headlights look on this night out. Arriving first, E.W. and his compadres Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd and Sean Astin were all dressed actor-down in jeans and tees, with scarves around their necks. Oh yes, and the other three had Mohawks too. Perhaps that's the latest trendy 'do for Hobbits? After munching their meals, E.W. and his boys headed to the back bar, where...
Sean Astin was gabbing away on his cell in earnest. But he did take time to joke around with a drunken dude who rolled up and jokingly told him The Goonies was his best work. Rolling with the punches, S.A. agreed.