martedì 28 agosto 2007
The charming Dearbhla Molloy talks to SHELLEY MARSDEN about her latest acting role, Orlando Bloom and working at Butlins..[...]
Is it different to work with a star like Orlando Bloom and someone less famous?
Not at all. He plays one of the sons but it’s another character who motors the emotion in the play. Orlando’s part is the quietest, but nonetheless an important one. I didn’t know Orlando beforehand; I had seen one episode of Lord of the Rings and that was it – I wouldn’t have recognized him if he’d sat beside me on the Tube. In the rehearsal room, all that fame stuff falls away though. He’s very modest, and extraordinarily hardworking, and willing and very eager. We are all immensely protective of Orlando; we’re not about to let anybody do him down in any way, or separate him from the other cast members or from the play as a whole.
lunedì 27 agosto 2007
The screen beauty revealed the final straw came after the heartthrob actor spent a debauched night out with fellow star Sean Bean.
The sexy actress was reportedly virtually ignored earlier that evening at the Golden Globe Awards, where her boyfriend of three years chose to chat instead to 'Pirates of the Caribbean' co-star Johnny Depp.
He then disappeared with actor Sean Bean for a heavy drinking session until the early hours.
A source close to the couple, who met on the set of a Gap advert in 2002, is quoted by Britain's Daily Star as saying: "Kate always knew that Orlando liked to chill with his mates, but it just started to get ridiculous.
With their busy schedules they hardly got to see each other as it was, so when he disappeared with the boys it was awful.
"She told him that she couldn't see the relationship working unless they made more time for one another. But it just didn't happen."
Despite Orlando taking Kate on a make-or-break holiday to Brazil last month in a bid to repair their relationship, she decided she had had enough.
The friend added: "Orlando is a social bloke and he misses the camaraderie of the laddish drinking culture in the UK. When Sean was around he jumped at the chance to sink a few jars."
Mortensen's past.
In 1992 he was acting in a Polish movie "The Gospel According to
It was shot in Poland, in Leba - a place famous for beautiful sand
The director of the movie was Lech J. Majewski, and he was the one
who told the following story on Polish radio today.
He said, that Viggo didn't want to sleep in the hotel, but chose
to spend a night in a tent, on the dunes, closer to nature.
He was not alone, if you know what I mean, but that's not the
In the morning, he decided to take a walk on the dunes,
and he stepped into a natural "sand trap" (I don't know what's
the English name for it, in Polish we call it "moving sands").
Viggo started to drown in the sand, he couldn't get out!
His Polish girl friend called for help and he was saved by some
other crew members, who managed to arrive at the last moment.
giovedì 23 agosto 2007
Mortensen's quiet dedication and unaffecting ways really impressed Orlando Bloom, the other Lord Of The Rings heartthrob.
"I had an incredible time working with Viggo," Bloom says. "I worked very closely with him and he was like a mentor to me, really, chatting, talking about film and just about the day-to-day stuff of getting through making this film. He really influenced the way I approach the work today. He has a lot of integrity in terms of how he approaches it, but he can also have fun with it as well, so it was cool. He taught me a lot."
He laughs when it's suggested that he and Mortensen are competing for the title of most popular hunk in The Lord Of The Rings.
"Well, I don't think I can compete with Viggo ... certainly, I'm (popular) with the six-year-olds and below. He's got the rest covered."
[..] First came Orlando, and I spotted him first. I pointed, and immediately we all screamed his name. Sure enough he waved, and after a second he ran over to us. We took pictures, got autographs, it was great. And damn did he looks and smells fantastic!
The we started talking to some other LOTR fans that were there, and got along great with them. It was getting late, and we kept joking that the guys were going to be closing out the party. Then we noticed Billy walking around outside the tent. We waved once, and he was definetly looking towards us, but we don't think he realized we were really waving at him!
After awhile he came out, and was just as charming as could be. We again got pictures and autographs. He was the sweetest thing and you just wanted to give him a big hug!
So Billy left, and by this time we were certain that Dom and Elijah were still in there partying. We joked about how drunk they must be by then (it had been about 4 hours since the show ended) and how they were probably the only ones in there still dancing. Then we saw Dom. We yelled and he ran over, momentarily teasing us by running away, but finally came over to take pics and sign. He was very animated and friendly, and honestly it was quite clear that he had been drinking a lot. Someone asked if Elijah was still in the party, and he said he must be because they were supposed to be sharing a limo, and then he realized that he had forgotten to tell Elijah he was leaving. Dom finished signing and promised to go get Lij and bring him out to us. Sure enough, he kept his word. He met Elijah at the gate, and they came over to us, holding hands. Elijah was a doll. He immediately gave us all hugs (keep in mind, he was clearly drunk as well), and couldn't believe that we had been waiting all night. In fact his exact words were "That sucks." Of course at this point I would clearly beg to differ. Lij signed things for us, and took a bunch of pictures with us...
mercoledì 22 agosto 2007
Am I as gone as October
at this table, two
from the one we talked
at for hours of plans
for summer and rivers,
where I marveled at
the new mystery just
inches of white linen
You are still present,
dressed warmer than
necessary, tame enough
to be understood, to
say that you too are
curious about how
we might go places.
The waiter looms,
inadvertently breaking
the news that you’re
really back home, perhaps
in a relieved apron state
that may fit you just fine,
for all I ever knew.
unnamed Poem published only in the first edition of Coincidence of Memory (on page 41)
You've changed cameras,
and I cannot be heard.
Is it me, or are you
just taking pictures?
Maybe a plane passing
saw what we are doing.
Maybe a passenger will
know that we are pretending
to be ourselves down here
in this skeleton of a house.
Went to the John Doe/Grant Lee Phillips show last night (1/26) at Largo. It was a great show. Jon Brion even joined them on stage for a bit. When John Doe left the stage to watch for a bit I saw him wander to a table in the corner near the entrance. Who was hangin out there: Viggo Mortensen. He was hanging out with a couple other people enjoying the show.
January 7, 2006
At awards shows, do the big stars have to be officially invited, or can they just turn up?
In fact, even if celebrities think they're invited to a top awards show, this
In 2002, the three cutest members of the Fellowship of the Ring were flown to Los Angeles for Oscar night: Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom and the inexplicably sexy Billy Boyd. Thing is, they hadn't really been invited, and they were told as much when they disembarked from their giant eagles.
The threesome was put on standby, just in case three confirmed guests were to contract Ringwraith-wasting sickness at the last minute. But the actors blew off the whole dog and pony show instead.
"I'm going to go out to get drunk anyway," Bloom told the Sun.
The three actors got luckier in 2004, but not a whole lot luckier. This time they got into the Kodak Theatre, but then Boyd had to get up and go to the bathroom, and it was Helms Deep all over again.
Per the London Mirror, a couple of "burly minders" kept him from returning to his seat until the next commercial break. This just happened to be during the stretch when The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King won another four Oscars, the last of its 11. "Billy said: 'The Oscars is over five hours long, so at one point I had to pop out and do a pee. I was left outside while we won another four Oscars.' "
Even lesser awards shows have their deadly gauntlets. Take the Screen Actors Guild thing. Union members must download a form seeking an invitation to pay $600 for a ticket. You read that correctly. And get this: SAG members willing to grovel for that ticket must pay before they even know if they've got a seat.
"Due to the limited seating in our venue, we will place all returned RSVPs into a drawing that will be held in January," the SAG Website intones. "Members drawn will be notified. Members not drawn will receive a refund."
Really. Honestly. We're not worthy.
martedì 21 agosto 2007
"..then one woman says 'oh, she's one of viggo's ex-girlfriends!' and she was like 'no way!' and in her book that she had signed it said something like 'nice to see you again..' and so then aragrothien says 'okay, i have one question for you - boxers or briefs??' and the woman just smiles and says nothing for a moment, and then says 'speedos! swim team, you know.' or something to that effect. I couldn't believe it! to be an ex-girlfriend of viggo, who is now bombarded with millions of women who want him! I would feel pretty stupid for breaking up with him! "
Elijah Wood, said "Viggo is our king. He's one of my favourite poeple in life. He's brilliantly talented in so many ways. An incredible photographer, painter, actor..And he's incredibly eccentric. He's just such a loyal, kind, sweethearted man who's hilarious to be around and inspiring in all the things he achieves and sets out to do. I've certainly learned alot from him. His perspective on life is beautiful too. He's a real lover of nature and a very giving and accepting man. And theres something about Viggo that's absolutely, completely insane and I find that endearing. He really is mad."
Jed Brophy (Kiwi actor) said "At the end of shooting one day, we went out and had a drink and Viggo was just so encouraging of everybody he'd worked with, including the extra's. He always had a kind word to say to everyone. And I don't know anyone who has a bad word to say about him. He bought flowers for all the extras on one incredibly rainy day. He was just really generous with his time but he never talked himself up. He is quiet shy about talking about his own achievements. They were really lucky they got him for this. He kind of makes the film."
Lord of the Rings star Viggo Mortensen might be one of the most manly actors in Hollywood, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get in touch with his feminine side. He was recently spotted in Yorkville, Canada, browsing through the hand-made cosmetics in beauty store Lush.
So what macho treats did he buy? Fairy Jasmine and Sex Bomb Ballistics – super-girly smelling bath bombs loaded with glitter!
“His purchase was certainly an odd choice for a man, “ says a source. “But he seemed very set on the Ballistics he eventually bought.”
Ooh, just imagine the shimmer on those rippling muscles!
"He's one of those New Age kind of guys," says fellow LORD OF THE RINGS star Dominic Monaghan. "He doesn't believe in wearing deodorant per se. He uses natural stuff, different types of clays and leaves and berries. We always knew he was in the bar or close by when we couldn't see him because he had this smell. He smelled like a slightly decaying, old, eclectic gardener."
"Playing videogames, watching DVDs--and then we call girls up," Monaghan continued with a boyish wink. "And they say they can't come 'round, so we call more girls up and play more videogames."
"Okay, Mr. Dial-a-Dame," I said, "complete the following: Hobbits who play together...
"That's naughty," D.M. said, as if coralling babes by cell is good clean fun. But with a big fat smile, the D-man relented and answered, "Live together!"
"Oh, have you been playing house with the other Hobbits?"
"We've all been living together at Billy's house in Mexico. Me, Elijah and Sean all went down there," he explained with a chuckle. " All the Hobbits under one roof for about three weeks. It was like life imitating art."
I'm guessing this is where head Hobbit Elijah Wood's comment comes into play, eh?
"We are merry!" E.W. heartily agreed as he held up his digital camera and snapped a few pics of his buds on the red carpet. "It [Mexico] was amazing; we had the best time!"
With a secretive grin (dreaming of lazy lovemaking, perhaps), D.M. rejoined his gang of boys, which included the delectable Orlando Bloom.
Tearing himself away from the cozy clan, the noble Elf was looking luscious in all black, with a wispy-thin mustache and a tuft of chin scruff.
"Tongue in my ear!" Orlando purred as the "new guy," Karl Urban, surprised him with a friendly nuzzle as a greeting. In the mood and chatting about his merriest moments with the Hobbits, O.B. happily brought up their time in New Zealand:
"Oh, surfing was the best," Mr. B. exclaimed. "We'd have a few days off from shooting, and we'd all go out and surf all day long."
The ocean, that is. The phone lines weren't ridden till later in the evening.
Poopin' P.S.: While the Hobbit boys were gabbing about kicking up their feet, the Elf princess, Liv Tyler, was mainly moaning about how she was ready to go home already and have some dinner (a pastime she was fond of on the New Zealand set, remember). Not exactly the partying type since she has settled down with her Spacehog fiancé, Royston Langdon.
Whoopin' P.S.: And where was Viggo Mortensen in all of this boyish busyness? V.M. ditched the usual pencil-pushing press and dashed 'cross the street, where the frenzied fans stood in awe of the starry scene. Followed by a harried handful of flackers ("Where is he going?" was the most common schoolmarmish screech heard), the man who plays Aragorn raced over to shake hands and sign autographs. And trust me, that's not something you see every day. Ain't it great?
April 2002
Fellowship of the Ring ends its quest in a tattoo parlor
by Kevin Fitzpatrick
One of the worst kept secrets among The Lord of the Rings cast was that all of the actors comprising Peter Jackson's "fellowship" went out and got matching tattoos as a memento of their experiences together in New Zealand. While the press honoured their requests that we not photograph the tattoos, some did lift their shirts, pull down their pants, or expose their ankles to show off their lasting reminders of The Lord of the Rings!
Where is your tattoo?
Viggo Mortensen: Not in the same place as theirs! We all got the same one - the word "nine" in Elvish - because that's what we are, nine. I visited the tattooist a couple times, showed him the drawing and stuff. I didn't say anything about Ian McKellen or whoever may be coming in. He just did it. We did all meet one morning and it was an interesting event, and I enjoyed it. Half a day. Actually everyone showed up. It goes along with all the other scars we got!
Ian McKellen: It did rather surprise me- I didn't think I'd ever have a tattoo: I've never been pierced, but I am now. It's on display during Dance of Death, if you want to see it - I take my shirt off on the Broadway stage, and it'll cost you $70.
Who was first?
Billy Boyd: Me. It was Dom's [Dominic Monaghan] idea, but once we got to the tattoo parlor, there was a lot of "Where are we going to have it?"
Sean Astin: There was a lot of fear.
Boyd: Sean held my hand. It's actually quite soft.
Dominic Monaghan: It was a guy called Roger at Roger's Tattoo Parlor in Wellington. He didn't open on Sunday, but we only had a day off on a Sunday. After we all came together and committed to this idea, I think Viggo rang him. He told him, "We know you don't open on a Sunday, we'll make it worth your while." We all turned up there, I think at 11:00, and it was a real party atmosphere. We were all taking photos and writing in diaries. It was one of my favorite days in New Zealand, I think. I'll show you [mine], because these guys have theirs on their foot. [Lifts shirt to show shoulder blade.]
Boyd: Of course, we got the tattoos about a week before we finished [shooting], and I wasn't really thinking we still had a week to [spend with] these prosthetic feet! And I had the tattoo and so did Sean. They had to glue [the feet] on - quite painful.
Monaghan: I was just thinking, you guys got it on your foot, and Orlando got it on his forearm and he's a bowman and he's always using his forearm. I was using a sword a lot.
Can we see it?
Orlando Bloom: [rolling up shirt sleeve] We don't want to show it if we don't have to, we rather like to keep it amongst the nine of us in a way, it's our own personal thing. It was designed by [conceptual artist] Alan Lee. I took Sean Bean down to a tattoo parlor in New York about a month and a half ago, because he was not in New Zealand when we got ours. So we got his [done] downtown. There were nine of us, nine tattoos. But maybe [New Line Cinema Executive Producer] Mark Ordesky will get one - he was number 10!
Elijah Wood: I can show you now, can't I? Because it's off-camera. [Lifts shirt, shows tattoo is on waist.]
How'd you pick that spot?
Wood: I don't just fe lt right. It felt like the right place to put it.
I am not sure if you post fan encounters I sent this to OBM too! Last Thursday I had my dream come true as a HUGE Orlando Bloom fan. I was sitting in Restaurant with my parents in Paris France, we' were there on vacation for my mother's birthday. I seriously don't even know how we ended up picking this bistro, but my step dad picked the very expensive Chez Pauline for my mom's birthday and low and behold sitting a few tables up from us was Orlando Bloom, his sister, a guy my age and Viggo Mortensen! I wasn't sure it was Orlando at first, it was such a freak thing! My mother recognized Viggo first and then I noticed Orlando! I wanted to go up and ask for an autograph but I didn't want to be rude so I just waited for them to leave. Viggo and Orlando's sister (I think it was her) left first and then Orlando and the guy got up and left. I followed them out and found Orlando standing outside smoking waiting for someone, He was startled when I came up to him and I apologized to him and he laughed and gave me his autograph on a napkin I brought outside, He wouldn't take any pictures, I think he was in a rush and he also said that he couldn't have his picture taken. He called me sweetheart, kissed my cheek and Thanked me in French! I melted on the spot! He was very friendly and so handsome face to face!
The Eastern Eyes Have It
Kate Bosworth, arriving with her ferocious Wall Street femme friends for a dinner out with yummy honey Orlando Bloom and the rest of the Lord of the Rings gang. Serafina, 61st and Madison Avenue. Superskinny in jeans and a black sweater, the posh cutie-tamootie chatted away with the girls in the women's restroom line, while her Pirates of the Caribbean b-f...
O.B. was gabbing with his poppin' boy-pals and sorta ignoring his sex-ay g-f (just for a second, I'm sure). But who cares, really, since O. was looking totally lickable in denim pants and a long black cashmere coat, with some seriously bushy hair? The Boz didn't seem to sweat the mini-snub, since the Pirate Man left with K. at his side after dinner. Saliva-switch! Let's turn our attention to Bloom's Hobbit-hopping bud...
Elijah Wood, who was sporting a pseudo-weird Mohawk and his usual deer-in-the-headlights look on this night out. Arriving first, E.W. and his compadres Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd and Sean Astin were all dressed actor-down in jeans and tees, with scarves around their necks. Oh yes, and the other three had Mohawks too. Perhaps that's the latest trendy 'do for Hobbits? After munching their meals, E.W. and his boys headed to the back bar, where...
Sean Astin was gabbing away on his cell in earnest. But he did take time to joke around with a drunken dude who rolled up and jokingly told him The Goonies was his best work. Rolling with the punches, S.A. agreed.
Jeez, I'm confused!
Others aren't. "Oh, come on," pleaded one of those set interlopers who's paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to mind the out-of-town goings-on (and not speak to the likes of me) on movie sets, Elizabethtown included. "I've seen them together. Something's going on."
When pressed, the pooper 'fessed he hasn't seen anything more than huddled conversations and meals together. Hell, even Louisville's locals have been reporting that--via these very electronic pages--for weeks now.
(And now that E's filming here in H-town, Kirsten and Orlando are right back at it, hanging tight locally. Love it!)
Quite frankly, since one of the supposed doers involved is one of those notoriously untouchable Lord of the Rings types, we may never know fer sure.
I mean, I hear the fussy Brit even talks on the phone through a handkerchief. For germ-avoidance purposes, natch. Sheesh, a lover like that ain't leavin' much of a trail, trust me.
Still in the mood for indelicate dissolution? Thought so.
[..] However, sad to say, not everyone in Hell-Ay attended the Institute of Ms. Manners.
Especially those rowdy Lord of the Rings boys, God love 'em! Just last week, head Hobbit Elijah Wood rushed out on opening night to catch a screening of Orlando Bloom's flick Pirates of the Caribbean. The Grove Theaters, at 3rd Street and Fairfax.
Accompanied by a posse of arty actor types, E.W. was looking adorable, with his hair buzz-cut and wearing a light gray tee and denims. And while he and his band of boys were all smiles and applause--especially for the trailer featuring pal Viggo Mortensen's upcoming project, Hidalgo--they weren't quite feeling the love for Tom Cruise's sword-wielding venture, The Last Samurai.
As the puncturing preview flickered across the screen, a round of snickering broke out amongst Elijah's group before they out-and-out began to laugh. No clapping, indeed.
But I must say, in defense of Wood & Co., they weren't the only ones laughing.
Must've been some really funny inside joke, because we all know Tom-babe isn't a laughing matter. Not at all.
Other tongue-biz buzz was 'bout, oh, not much, just partying and homosexuality, the usual Hollywood canapé chitchat.
"There was a lot of screwing going on in New Zealand," pooped an inside (high-up) set vet. "But look, most of it was straight. These guys [Hobbits, elves, horny young men] just aren't afraid to show their incredible affection for one other; that's what gets the gay stuff started."
Glad that's settled! (Yeah, right.)
"Dominic, hands down," I was told by myriad Rings-leaders when I quizzed them about who got into the most trouble off camera. Hmmm. Very interesting, as just seconds before Dom-cutie-tamooti--in shimmer 'n' scruff--told me he felt Viggo was awfully artful at target practice.
"He was always off hunting and fishing, you know," D.M. weighed in with a wink. Elijah concurred, but more about that one latuh. Time to switch-hit back to the hot 'n' bothered blood-red carpet, doncha think?
lunedì 20 agosto 2007
(People Insider Feb 27, 2004 )
"The last time I saw Viggo, we were supposed to go to some supercool club, but there was no way I was going to get Viggo to do that, and I couldn't really be bothered myself. So we went to some dingy little pub, and then we just bought a six-pack and sat in the park and chatted."
("Orlando's Magic" GQ January 2004)
Viggo: Do you know if you have this in another color?
Kasper, thinking: OMFG, OMFG! This is Viggo Mortensen. OMFG OMFG!
Kasper: I don't know...lemme just check.
Kasper: *asks co-worker if we have this in another color*
Co-worker: No, I don't thin..hey, isn't that Viggo Mortensen?
Kasper, thinking: OMFG, Like, LOTR! OMFG OMFG!!
Kasper: Oh yes, indeed I think it is.
How fun.-.- I'm so lame. But, like...VIGGO!Oh, and in case you're wondering he bought all kinds of weird stuff. Including clothes for a 3-year-old girl o.O And about 4 bottles of apple-wine.
domenica 19 agosto 2007
TM: I read that you were roommates with Viggo Mortensen for close to 5 years. You also worked with him on Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 and Black Velvet Pants Suit, which I can not seem to find anywhere. Do you still talk to him and is there any chance that the two of you will collaborate on a film project in the future?
WB: I was, Black Velvet Pants suit was a short film that I directed along time ago, its been retired because my friend who was the star of it died of cancer and its an uncomfortable situation for me, so one of these days when I am ready I'll pull it out.....I'll save it for the Willam Butler retrospect.
TM: How did you meet Viggo?
WB: I was working on a film called PRISON, which is like FURNACE....The first day I met him I was eating lunch in a Wyoming Holiday Inn and he was walking through the restaurant with no shoes on and I thought he was a complete Jackass. So there was no place else to sit and he sat at my table and we became friends instantly! Viggo is a really funny guy, very few people know that but he was cracking me up so we started hanging out, drinking together, talking about acting, I met his fiance which turned out to be his wife after the shoot and I thought he was one of the most exemplary, awesome, creative people that I have ever met.....he's really amazing.
TM: Do you still keep in contact with him?
WB: Not so much anymore cause you know Viggo is like hugely famous now, I work everyday I get up at 6:00 write till 11:00 and then work until like 9:00. Our lives just changed, we were both struggling at a certain point and now we have our own lives. You know that doesn't mean that we aren't friends and I still speak to him but not nearly as much as I would like to he is a great guy and I really enjoy him!
TM: What do you think his best role is?
WB: You know its funny I just watched A History of Violence and I think that's the best thing he did.
TM: What about the Lord of the Rings Trilogy? Do you think he was pretty good in it?
WB: I'm not a big LOTR fan, I have a short attention span, any movie over 2 hours I'm lost. I think Viggo was really good in it, but I do not do well in battle scenes. I think they are beautiful films and Peter Jackson is like the most amazing director ever, but I don't know if its Viggo's best work.......I think its Viggo's most famous work.
© Tim Malcolm source
Viggo Mortensen - shared a split level house with me for five years and I considered him family. What few people dont know is that he is hilarious. The crazy dirty boy routine is a bit put on - but he is about half way am I. One time while shooting in Wyoming, he chased me around a hotel with a fishing rod, trying to hook me. One of the first fans he ever had was a weird Danish guy who used to wear a tshirt with a picture of Viggo on it - with HIS TIME WILL COME written on it....even though we used to laugh about it, I suppose it was true. We eventually grew apart when he became an action figure.
Viggo Mortensen: Was best pals with me for around five years - the most interesting thing about him that no one knows is he is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. I miss him very much since Hollywood sent him to happymealville. I remember one night we took mushrooms and stared at a candle all night.
lunedì 6 agosto 2007
[...]Bloom’s new house, which was built in 1940, include four bedrooms, four baths, a spa and a waterfall pool, all on a 0.75-acre lot, according to public records and Us magazine. The house reportedly was renovated, although the minimal price differential between Gibson’s 2004 sale and Bloom’s 2007 purchase suggests that it was actually Gibson who did the renovating, and not Lomax.
As one of our readers astutely noted, Bloom’s new house is indeed very close to the 4,352-square-foot house at 7222 Senalda Road that actress Scarlett Johansson purchased earlier this year. Bloom’s new house is just a block or so west of Johansson’s house, and the equivalent of just three or four lots to the west of Scarlett’s pad.
venerdì 3 agosto 2007

from xpose #23/2003
[...] EMILY: Have you had to go back to New Zealand to do any reshoots for the final Lord of the Rings film?
ORLANDO: Yeah, and I was so emotional to say goodbye to that. Ahhh… it's the last time I don the blonde wigs and the pointy ears. They gave me my bow and arrow after the last shot and they cut together a little clip of "leggy" moments from the movie. There's this bit- they played it to me - you know the eighties that kind of song like "Hungry Eyes?"
EMILY: Oh sure [sadly]
ORLANDO: So it's like Viggo pulling his sword, then there's me going [he bats his eyes]. It was so funny! [laughter] It was this whole homoerotic thing and Ian's going [he pantomimes argh]!
EMILY: Can I get a copy? [I said this without jest or humor quite frankly- with an eyebrow raised in fantasy visions of this young buck frolicking in elven ears…]
ORLANDO: [laughter] You! Ah, you know maybe Peter will put it on the dvd! Can you imagine! Totally. We had such a laugh. You should see the photos - the Polaroids we've got. [laughter] But it was so much fun. You know what's going to be awesome? Pete…everything is documented. Pete loves that shit! The gag reel he's going to do is going to be all that shit!
giovedì 2 agosto 2007
D.M. I think it was like that with a lot of actors. That was one of the
great things about the third movie. Because we were all separated,
instead of the Fellowship where you see everyone’s work, in the third
film you think "Wow, Elijah, that was great work, and Orlando and Bill
and Viggo." You’re impressed with everyone’s work, because at that time
everyone is working so hard.
B.L. How about Viggo. Why was he the perfect actor to play Aragorn?
D.M. I don’t think he’s the perfect actor for the role.
B.B. I think you are (to Dominic).
D.M. I think Viggo has a lot of qualities of Aragorn. He completely
commits to what he’s doing, which is what Aragorn eventually does too.
He was a great leader for the actors, especially for some of the young
guys. I know that Orlando had a really great time with Viggo. He just
really commits 100%. He has a lot of fun and there’s always something
going on around Viggo.
B.B. Like flies?
D.M. Yes, he doesn’t shower. But at the end of every day there was
always some kind of party going on in one of our trailers where we have
drinks, hang out, chat. And he was a great guy for bringing together
the camaraderie and reminding us it was a group effort. He kind of led
by example, which is what Aragorn does.
You found my keys
on an angel's hip
moved half the fallen trees
from the frozen road.
This trip is
all I thought
it would be
and we're not
even ½ way yet.
If I can't touch you
with snow-hung firs
our only witnesses
can't have your eyes
when everyone's asleep
then the fire's almost out.
You ask the un-named
attraction to leave town
but keep checking
if I'm still around.
Should we sidestep
putting fingers to
words tracing lips that
would inform us?
Once said I'd missed
you every instant
before we'd met.
Now believe we knew
how sad we'd be
by Viggo Mortensen