lunedì 30 luglio 2007

June 5, 2003
Pokes 'n' Jokes

Oh! One more sexually charged item before we trip on to the Eyes Fantastic, 'kay by you? Thought so.

Those frisky Hobbit boys (men, creatures, byoots, what have you) wereonly too happy to discuss derrieres and other daring subjects, post-awards wins. Well, sorta glad.

"He's so far up Viggo Mortensen's ass, he couldn't even see it!" Sean Astin remarked about fellow Lord of the Rings winner Elijah Wood, when I asked the best buds to rate V.M.'s butt. And, yes, there was a reason.

Once you see the salty awards (way I like 'em), you'll notice a great deal of footage is devoted to buttage, particularly that of Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore. Hilarious stuff. Made quite a dent in the show's feel, so to speak.

Could this to-the-gluteus-max atmosphere be the reason Billy Boyd saw fit to use the occasion to deny he's dated costar Dominic Monaghan?

Like I said, salty stuff.