lunedì 30 luglio 2007

June 19, 2003

Sex and the Single Whirl

Well, let's see. Don't think they do it in Hollywood like they do it in New Zealand.
You do know about that singles sport, doncha?

While those adorable Hobbit buds and Liv&Viggo&Miranda&Orlando and myriad mush-minded individuals were searching for love, strange things happened. Like waitress pinning.

Merde! Was I supposed to say waitstaff pinning? My apologies.

Anyhoo! One bugger whose name shall remain unmentioned by me (and whose friggin' lawyer can kiss my voicemail, as I'm not being overly specific), who was down N.Z. way while filming the second and third Lord of the Rings installments, surprised a few of his chums. By doing the above-mentioned food-server on a table. In the establishment for which she toiled. In every sense of the word.

But did she get a tip?

Closer to (I thought) tackier home, Tinseltown's swingers do it a tad more discreetly. Barely. Oh, to be free, unattached and on the make in La-La Land.