venerdì 26 ottobre 2007

Posted at: 10/17/07 12:11 PM Newgrounds forum

"I have three free periods in a row today, so I decided to go to the mall and lounge around with some friends. In the parking lot, a man got out of a mercedes benz and walked towards the front door. It was Viggo Mortensen.

I caught up with him, and stupidly said, "Umm...A-are you V-v-vigo mortensen?". He laughed and turned towards me. "Wow, I never thought people actually recognized me."
I was so nervous I said "You were amazing in "Eastern Promises". He smiled and pat me on the shoulder. "Thanks, glad you liked it!", he said, and walked into the mall.

I got him to sign my wallet, and let him be. He's from around my area of New York, so it makes sense he was here."