lunedì 16 luglio 2007

Tidbits from this nice Billy Boyd interview :

You’re not the only musician from the Lord Of The Rings cast. How many of you play instruments?
Well, Viggo plays, and when my band were out in LA playing gigs Viggo and Orlando came along and I think Viggo really liked it. We may produce something together. Umm, Elijah plays a bit, Dom plays a bit… I mean, we have all jammed a few times, but nothing too serious.

You should all do a Christmas single — it’ll go straight to number 1.
Yeah! (Laughs) ‘Follow The Fellowship’.

When did you last see any of the Rings guys?
I was over in the States in April and saw quite a few of them. I saw Viggo, Orlando, Dom, Elijah, spoke to Sean but never saw him… I saw Orlando a couple of weeks ago down here, because I was down doing a radio play and he’s down rehearsing his play. Bernard Hill is with me in Save Angel Hope. You don’t get to see Bernard do much comedy but he’s playing a comedy police chief in this one and is great.

Are you still planning on writing a film with Dominic Monaghan?
Yes. It’s just that we made the mistake of telling people about it before we’d done it. It’s so hard to get a film made even when people want to make it — the months just go on and you say. ‘Okay, we need a meeting’ and you know, Dom will be in Lost and I’ll be in a film and the first time you can get a meeting is like ... August and that’s a meeting about setting up a meeting, and it all just trundles on and on. (At this point Boyd drops a huge Lost spoiler that we won’t repeat)

Just to wrap up, a lot of rubbish gets put on the internet, so we thought we’d read a few Billy Boyd rumours to you. Please confirm if they’re true or false…

And finally, the cast of Lord Of The Rings had group showers together.
(long guilty pause) Semi-true. When we were learning how to canoe, me, Dom, Sean Bean, Elijah, Sean, Viggo, Orlando and John Rhys-Davis all went together down the river. After the canoeing sessions, the four Hobbits and Orlando did have showers together.

You heard it hear first, it’s confirmed
And before you ask I am the biggest.

(Laughs) Do you want me to put that up on the internet for you?