lunedì 16 luglio 2007

Dom says...

Ted : "All right, let's get it out in the open," I said. "Why is everyone convinced there's something going on with you guys?"

DM :"I think it's because we're all young, good-looking guys," he said without a hint of Tom Hanks' modesty. "We're kind of cheeky, and we're very physically tactile with one other," he gushed proudly.

"Tell me more!" I pressed.

"I love those guys," 'fessed Dommy-boy. "I don't [have] any qualms about it. They're my brothers, and I don't have any problem showing affection for men. I'm aware of my own sexuality enough to be free with people."

"Does you find it amusing that folks think you're queer?"

"Yes! What's wrong with being gay?" D.M. asked with a chuckle. "It's cool. If it keeps people talking, then it's all fine."