lunedì 30 luglio 2007

Billy in SFX magazine Christmas 2004.

"How do you see your work on Lord of the Rings? I think that the Hobbits are the emotional core of the movie. Even Aragorn isn't the heart of the movie; the Hobbits are.

Aragorn is more the arse of the movie. Really, really tight arse in his leather trousers.

You've looked, then? I can tell.

Yeah, I've slapped it. Slapped it hard. And I heard him squeal like a baby.

Legolas is obviously the hair of the movie.

Very beautiful hair. One thing about Orlando is that he smells of bubblegum. Always. He's bubblicious.

Is it some sort of pheromone that he gives off?

Yeah, he exudes bubblicious chewing gum."